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  • Reviewed 3/31/11

G13 Purple Kush


Like a nintendo game

I really like the purple strains in general. Anything with the name grape or purple and I am pretty much sold. This is a good example of an indica strain. I am not sure if its 100% I, but it felt like it to me. Again, it could be the name but I felt really comfortable with this one and it has a nice sweet taste, and a good denseness to it. I thought the effects stuck around for a while, which is good because it lasts longer. I definitely recommend vapo'ing this one so you can really taste it.
This is great for just about anything. It can uplifting, or mellow depending on your mood, which is nice. Id get it again.

Red Dragon


bit by the dragon

I am a big fan of the Red Dragon. The name evokes mystery and tempts you to try it.
It has a good sharp flavor with a nice bite to it. mild smoke. Once you give it a try youll really like this one. For me, its perfect for a chill night at home. If you have back pain, headaches, restless legs, or whatever, this a good one to help calm the symptoms down.
I recommend this one as a good one to have on hand. Not a go out and shop kind of strain. Sit back and watch all the 'Merlin' episodes you have saved.

  • Reviewed 3/25/11



Exactly what I was looking for

So I wasn't even going to do a review on this one but after trying it, I had to. I came home after a long, not so great day, and tried this one out. First, the taste was awesome. A nice sweet flavor, not a real dense smoke. I only tried a little bit and immediately I felt great. It wasn't super energetic and I didn't feel dizzy or laid out. I actually went up and took a nice long really hot shower. I threw on some music and after who knows how long I realized I had been staring at the water running down the tile. It actually felt great to just stare into space for a while. So I got out, hit the couch and played video games for like 2 hours, which I hadn't done, or had time for, in a long time. Whoever grew this one, thanks. It really made my night much better after a pretty terrible day.
Not the strongest strain in the world but perfect for me.

  • Reviewed 3/20/11

Cotton Candy Romulan


Like being a kid again

I liked this strain, not overpowering, but a nice cool buzz to go about your day. Very sweet smell, good looking bud. I thought this would be a good one on a daily basis if necessary. Not a very heavy smoke so you dont get that dizzy feeling.
If you are a bit stressed, have muscle spasms, or are a bit tight wound, this is a good one to help get your through it, good for panic attacks.
The sweet taste does remind me of one of my favorite childhood foods...cotton candy. And don't fool yourself, marketing works. The name makes it taste better, or the reverse, either way, I like it :)

  • Reviewed 12/14/10

Blue Thunder

Today's Health Care

Sweet as pie

I am not sure why but I was drawn to this one by name alone. I love the color blue and I love thunder. Maybe that's strange, or it's just good marketing to a certain demographic of people who like the color blue and thunder, but either way, I love the name and it drew me in.
The bud has a really nice sweet smell to it and a good looking appearance. The picture above was with my P+S and obviously I had a flash on, but that's ok, I think you can tell it's nice looking and has all the elements you'd want in a good all around strain.
It had a really nice taste to match the smell. Like after a rain storm in the high country. It actually made me think of how much I love camping. Coincidence again? Perhaps.
Nice mellow buzz, not to overwhelming on the eyes or mind. Just a peaceful place to be.
Relaxed the body as well.
So overall, a perfect all around strain. Good for chillin in a tent while it rains outside and you are kicking ass in Skip-Bo.

  • Reviewed 11/26/10

Chevy Chase

The Farm

F'ing hilarious

First, it looks great. densely packed, LOADS of crystals, drier leaves but everything is wrapped in a nice ball. The color is a bit darker green, but again, the leaves are coated. i think you can actually smell the crystals, if that makes sense. Nice taste, smooth and very aromatic. The feeling goes straight to the head and lightens things up. Just like Chevy. It's no National Lampoons vacation, but it comes close to invisible dad or fletch 2. um, better then that.

  • Reviewed 11/23/10

Nature at its best

I am a big fan of this one. It looks great and smells great. Nice dense bud with plenty of crystals. The red hairs are nice and pressed so everything is one neat package. The color is pretty close to a colorado sage kind of color. I think because I love to be outside in Colorado, I associate sage with good things, and this doesn't let down. Perfect all around, strong for sure, so be ready.

  • Reviewed 11/18/10

Great overall

First, Lotus has some of the best stuff I have seen yet. The headband, snow, and white island I think its called were amazing. Perfect looking, great tasting, each one has such a distinct difference in feel and taste. This is what MMJ should all be like. Fluffy, crystals, perfect density, etc.
Headband is exactly what you think it is like. Perfect name for it. It's the perfect strain to get your buzz on and just chill to.

  • Reviewed 11/16/10

Grape Ape

Bijou Wellness Center

love it

This is one of my favorites. It looked great, tasted great, and left me happy and satisfied. Not too heavy. I think just the right amount for an everyday kind of medication.
I would not say its the craziest, or the opposite. Honestly it was just right and I would get this one again and again. it can easily be your go to in any situation.

  • Reviewed 11/14/10

Dispensary Review:

Mountain Medicine Group

Great local place, low key

This is my favorite place in town. Its located centrally off Broadway, but with a discreet back parking lot. Located in a small Boulder house, it has a very local feel. Going there is like going to visit friends. Nice and clean, very nice staff, and always good music playing. Again, I can't say enough about the staff, which makes a big difference in buying. If you are looking for the "Bro /bra hang out" this isn't that kind of place. This is super chill good mature people you can hang out with and just talk music, life in Boulder, and so on.

The strains change a lot and they keep the prices pretty reasonable. Easy in easy out.
I recommend this place for a good local shop. Definitely try the ice cream and the tootsie rolls. They are killer. When they have oil in, it's always really good too.

  • Reviewed 11/14/10

Long and leafy

I thought the bud looked pretty good. It was a bit dry by the time I got around to smoking it, so it lost some of that fresh flavor but even after a few days, it still tasted great. When I took a pinch it had a nice dense feel to it though. It had that dry crystalline feeling, more then a sticky goo. Pretty long leaves with long red/white hairs. Lots of crystals. The whole leaf was pretty much coated with a white haze of crystals.
Good buzz right off the bat. Felt it in the eyes first, then it made its way down my body, like water. Very relaxing and clean. Smooth buzz, not a heavy smoke. Left a lingering smell in the air. Not a bad thing, but it's no secret what I was doing.

Up and at them

After coming off some skunk, this was a really uplifting strain. Kind of tastes and smells like fruity pebbles with a bit o the dank. Tastes exactly like it smells.
I really liked this one. Good head buzz, energetic, put me in a great mood. relaxing for sure, but made me laugh. Easy one to take and still get things done.

  • Reviewed 11/14/10


Strawberry Fields


I thought it was pretty cerebral. Strong stuff with a good kick to it. Made me a little dumb, but that was fun. Brought out a pretty good appetite and definitely sat me down for a movie. Nice taste though. Very citrus tasting so I can see why the name fits.

  • Reviewed 11/12/10

Skunk #6

Strawberry Fields

Good and nutty

I really liked how this one looked. Nice dense bud. Big crystals, red hairs, green underbelly. This is what MMJ should look like. I was happy to open the container when I got home. I tried some and it had a nice smoky, kind of nutty flavor. Not very sweet, but clean tasting with a moderate amount of smoke. Very dense so lasted a long time.
I really felt this one in my eyes and in my head. Turned things super mellow. Great for movie night, or to calm a headache, or someone with eye problems.

Favorite Dispensaries

Mountain Medicine Group
2515 Broadway St. Boulder,
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