Medical Marijuana Forums

Posted 11/18/2015
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my name is vince...I live in father is dying of cancer and the chemo is making it worse, I read about rso online and I am convinced it can save his can I buy it and how do I know if its real.

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Posted 11/19/2015
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Posted 11/21/2015
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Sounds like you live somewhere where pot is illegal. He will probably die before you are legaly able to obtain what other states sell recreationally. Very sad.

Posted 12/20/2015
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Hi I would suggest that you go to Philadelphia and start talking to a few people in different upscale bars and other public places. You don't have to be to worried in the city, the mayor a few years back decriminalized up to an ounce of cannabis. If you were to get caught with it its only a small 30 to 45 dollar fine. I know of someone who was in your exact situation two years ago and within 2hrs of being out and actively looking he had a phone number of someone who helps the sick who our physicians in pa can't due to outdated and unjust laws. Wish I could tell you a name and number for someone like that but like I said that was two years ago and he unfortunately lost his battle but while he was here that man that helped him was an angel. Good luck in your journey and just ask around the public view has shifted for the sick and needy. Who knows maybe even ask a sip for some help, just explain your situation to them, their not all bad people.

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Posted 12/28/2015
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Posted 1/9/2016
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